Getting a DUI in Arizona can have several consequences. While most people who get arrested worry about going to jail (which is a real possibility in Arizona), this is ultimately just one of multiple consequences you can face as the result of a conviction.

When facing a DUI in Arizona, it is important to make sure you have a clear understanding of all of the risks involved. This will help you make good decisions (like hiring a lawyer to represent you), and it will help ensure that you do not fail to give your DUI case the time and attention it deserves.

What Are the Possible Consequences of an Arizona DUI?

So, what are the consequences of a DUI conviction in Arizona? Here are 10 consequences you could face as a result of your DUI arrest:

1. Jail Time

As we mentioned above, jail time is a very real possibility in Arizona. Even if you are being charged with a “regular” DUI (with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent to 0.14 percent), you are facing a mandatory jail sentence of 10 days. While the judge can suspend nine days of your sentence if you successfully complete a court-ordered counseling and treatment program, this still means you will spend a day in jail if you get convicted.

2. Fines

The DUI fines in Arizona start at $1,250 and go up from there. If you are being charged as a repeat offender and/or facing charges for an aggravated or extreme DUI, a conviction could easily lead to thousands of dollars in fines.

3. Additional Costs and Surcharges

When you get convicted of driving under the influence in Arizona, you can face a variety of other costs and surcharges as well. These costs and surcharges can add hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to the total price of your DUI.

4. Increased Auto Insurance Premiums

Along with court-imposed fines, cost, and surcharges, a DUI conviction in Arizona will also result in a substantial increase in your insurance premiums. 

5. Driver’s License Suspension

Getting arrested for DUI in Arizona can also mean losing your driver’s license. Generally, the minimum driver’s license suspension in Arizona is 3 months. But, depending on the circumstances of your case, you could also lose your license for longer—years instead of months. Of course, if you don’t have a driver’s license, you can’t legally drive. This means that you will need to incur additional costs for transportation as well.

6. Ignition Interlock Device

Once your driving privileges are restored, you will need to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. You will need to do this at your own expense. As the Arizona Department of Transportation explains:

“When Arizona law mandates the use of an interlock . . . you must have one installed by an MVD-authorized company and provide proof of the installation. . . . Your record will be marked so that law-enforcement officers will be aware of the interlock requirement if you are stopped. You may be issued a replacement driver license containing the words ‘Ignition Interlock’ if this is not your first offense.”

7. Vehicle Impound

Another potential consequence of a DUI conviction in Arizona is losing your vehicle. The court may issue an order to have your vehicle impounded. You will have to pay daily storage fees while your vehicle is impounded, and you will have to pay additional fees to get your vehicle back.

8. Points on Your Driving Record

A DUI conviction in Arizona results in 8 points being added to your driving record.  Depending on the number of points you have prior to the conviction, this can result in having to take and pay for the traffic survival school class and possible having to serve an additional suspension.

9. Alcohol Screening, Education, and Treatment

If you get convicted of DUI in Arizona state court, the judge will most likely sentence you to undergo alcohol screening, education, and treatment. These, too, are requirements you must satisfy at your own expense. If you do not get screening, go to your classes, or obtain treatment as required, this can also lead to additional consequences.

10. Collateral Consequences

In addition to all of the consequences listed above, a DUI conviction in Arizona can lead to a variety of other collateral consequences as well. Some examples of these consequences include:

  • License suspension or revocation if you are a licensed professional
  • Consequences for your service if you are a member of the Armed Forces
  • Disciplinary action at school if you are a college student
  • Immigration consequences if you are a foreign citizen

While these are all possible consequences of a DUI conviction in Arizona, it is also possible to avoid many—if not all—of these consequences by executing a strategic defense. There are several potential defenses to DUI charges under Arizona law. If you are facing a DUI charge in Arizona, you need legal representation, and you should discuss your case with an experienced DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Protect Yourself with the Help of an Experienced Phoenix, AZ DUI Defense Lawyer

Are you facing a DUI charge in Arizona? If so, we strongly encourage you to speak with one of our DUI lawyers about your case. To schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced Phoenix, AZ DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible, call 480-405-7922 or tell us how we can reach you online now.